EGS e BRS Ball Cages and Ball Bushes from PEDROTTI

EGS e BRS Ball Cages and Ball Bushes from PEDROTTI

Rolling guides have a high precision and are able to work almost without clearance. Commonly used for progressive dies, they allow rapid flits without using any lubricants. Often, the film of oil lubricating sliding guides runs-out, transforming the fluid friction into dry friction. In case of short strokes, even forced lubrication may not be a guarantee, because the grease cannot reach the whole sliding surface. Therefore the use of EGS allows rapid and precise movements, thanks to a friction coefficient variable between 0.002 and 0.0008. In case of molds having an unfavorable geometry and an uneven distribution of loads, the typical of ball guides problem of flexibility, can be solved by oversizing it. Even in the plastic mold field, ball cages and recirculating bushes could have some applications. One of these is the guiding of the ejection plates set with hardened ECO-2SG pillars, ball cages and EBU-3SC bushes.
The recirculating bushings BRS work differently from the ball cages and they are easier to install to a mold. They are metal stamped, lightweightand offer quite large space within the bearing, making easier the permanence of the lubricating grease. If you need commercial information or advice on installation, please write to: